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My Book

poetry poetry from 226 indonesian poets: Flows into the Sink into the Gutter

poetry poetry from 226 indonesian poets: Flows into the Sink into the Gutter


Publication effort of this book may be regarded as including efforts to embrace more and more people into the poem. Besides collecting pithy poems of the poet who has been wrestle the world of poetry in Indonesia for long time, there is a passion that be struck by the new generations. Many of them produce work that makes us excited and more than that confirmed the existence of the role of various institutions or literary communities scattered throughout Indonesia.

Untuk Pemesanan:

Suryakanta Atma                    

Suryakanta Atma

Sebuah dialog antara hati dan logika dalam keheningan terkadang tak selalu sama dengan percakapan-percakapan dalam keramaian. Ada hal-hal yang tak bisa dirumuskan oleh ilmu pasti dan dialog lisan. Sehingga penulis memilih menuangkannya dalam serpihan-serpihan puisi sederhana sebagai media yang menjembatani kejujuran dan keindahan dengan lebih jernih.

Untuk Pemesanan:

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